On the purchase and maintenance skills of the tank and plants

What are the aquarium purchase skills and maintenance skills? Let’s take a look below!

Aquarium industry definition

The glassware used to raise tropical fish or goldfish in the aquarium plants plays a role in viewing. It is a container specially used for ornamental breeding of aquatic plants and animals. It is an animal feeding area, usually, at least one side is transparent glass and high strength plastic. In the aquarium, plants and animals (usually fish, they can also be invertebrates, amphibians, marine mammals, or reptiles) living in water are artificially raised. Aquaculture is also one of the prevalent hobbies around the world, with about 60 million lovers around the world. There are many types of aquariums, ranging from simple small fish tanks that keep only one fish to complex ecological aquariums that require sophisticated support systems.

Aquarium industry classification

1. Glass cylinder: As the name implies, it is made of glass. There are many shapes and no seams. Generally small in size and not leaking, this type of tank is more suitable for feeding small fish and fish with a small range of activities, such as goldfish and peacock. The advantages are that it is easy to change the water and easy to move. The disadvantage is that the refractive index of light is inconsistent, and it is easy to deform when viewing.

2. Glass aquarium plants: It is wrong to think that the “glass tank” is a glass aquarium. Most glass aquarium plants are rectangular or square. The advantage is that the light is strong, the water surface is relatively spacious, the transparency is high, and the appreciation area is wide. Glass plant holder sometimes can be seen in the tank. The disadvantage is that it is not resistant to impact and fragile.

3. Framed aquarium plants: Exquisite workmanship, durable.

4. All-glass aquarium plants: The one with the largest number. It should be paid attention to maintenance.

5. Plexiglass aquarium plants: Advantages: lightweight and not easy to break. Disadvantages: can not withstand great pressure and is not durable.

senzeal fish tank plants

Aquarium plants purchase tips

Keeping aquariums and setting aquarium plants are a very comprehensive task. If you want to create a beautiful aquarium with high appreciation. The first step is to buy good aquarium plants.

Choose a ventilated and spacious open space at home to facilitate the placement of the aquarium. The chosen place should be convenient for family members to appreciate while not hindering the family’s normal life.

Determine the size of the aquarium, and then develop aquarium plants manufacturing renderings. Keep the size and shape of the aquarium plants in mind.

Aquarium plants maintenance tips

If you want to remove the scale in the fish tank, you can use a clean towel to wipe along the inner wall of the fish tank. When cleaning the fish tank, wipe the inside of the fish tank with salt (without adding iodized salt) to remove the hard scale. Rinse with clean water before putting the fish back in the tank. The “scavenger” fish, as the name suggests, can remove scale from the fish tank without feeding it specifically.  Pay attention to maintenance, and it is better to buy a filter.

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SENZEAL focuses on fish tank accessories, fish care and aquarium aquascaping supplies. Help you to be a good aquarium keeper!


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